Monday, January 13, 2014

Moving Back In

I've gotta catch up a bit on the first week of IAP, as we already got a bunch of work done.  It was a great winter break, but finally time to move back into the dorm.
 Packing up this time entailed bringing more bikes than clothes back to school, gearing up for another year of AIBD and another set of dumb bike projects.  I finally packed the minivan full with all my steel bike frames.

It took a while to move everything up into the dorm, but eventually we got it into the room.  It's a good thing my roommate is starting to get into the bike hacking scene, so he doesn't mind having our room packed with the frames :p Since the dining hall doesn't offer the meal plan during IAP in January, it was hilarious seeing everyone else hauling in their carts full off food while I lugged yet another pile of Jarrod's Junk up the elevator...

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