Monday, January 5, 2015

First Day of IAP 2015

AIBD Crew 2014
We're back on campus after the holidays, and now it's time for AIBD 2015.  It's going to be a busy IAP, and I'm going to try to keep up with blogging all of my projects, as I haven't been able to frequently post since I created the blog last IAP.  This year has some awesome projects coming up though, and I want to be sure to document them.  Our Applied Innovations through Bicycle Dynamics class is gearing up this week, and with some of the students from last year's class helping to teach, it's shaping up to be the best bike-building season yet.

In addition to the class, I'll be staying busy with some electric vehicle projects.  I received funding from the Techfair, now TechX, to finish my electric ATV project that I started over the summer.  I'm attempting to use an AC-24, the same motor that we have on the EVT Electric Porsche 914, to drive a small ATV frame for some awesome off-roading capabilities.  Now I'll finally have to finish it in time to present at the February 2nd event.  More updates to come for the ATV!

ATV with AC24 Motor
 And most importantly, we've been gearing up last semester in preparation for a full conversion of a 1970 Opel GT on the MIT Electric Vehicle Team.  The car arrived during finals week last semester, and in a bit rustier shape than expected.  We certainly have a lot of work ahead of us before we can put this car on the road, but the team's excited for the upcoming IAP!

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